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BCA Perseveres Through Coronavirus Difficulties

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Dear friends of Battle Creek Academy,

One of my favorite gospel songs says, “If we ever needed the Lord before, we sure do need Him now”. We are living in unprecedented times; times that make us more than ever want to see God’s hand directing the music and holding us in His palm.

With less staff members working more diligently than ever to teach even more students than last year, we continue to be blessed at Battle Creek Academy. COVID-19 has spilled over into 2020. From temperatures being taken as the students enter the building, face masks being worn all day long and social distancing practiced during the school day, we have been able to continue to teach our students in a face to face manner for the most part. Based on recommendations from the MDHHS, the high school students recently had to take a hiatus from face to face education and are currently participating in virtual learning. There’s nothing like being there, but due to the current situation, our teachers are going above and beyond the call of duty to stay in touch with their high school students and teach them over the internet. 

When prayer requests are being spoken, several of our students are petitioning God to let them continue to come to school and learn face to face. What a testimony for the impact that Adventist education is having on their lives that they are ready to bring their day to day concerns to the One who holds the universe. We have also witnessed God’s leading at Battle Creek Academy as we have set aside special days for corporate prayer and fasting as we bring BCA, its mission and current situation before God. He continues to perform miracles on behalf of BCA as He impresses individuals to support this historic flagship Adventist institution. As the staff, board and constituents continue to model the faith and trust in God’s care for this school, the students are incorporating these practices into their lives.

As 2020 comes to a close, we are only half way through the current school year. God has been blessing BCA but we believe more blessings are in store. As He has impressed others to financially support Battle Creek Academy, we ask you to listen to what God is asking you to do for BCA. You may feel that what you have to give won’t really do much for the big picture. Let me assure you that God approved of the widows offering as presented in the gospels. Some may have excess and can give from that source. Others do not have excess and may only be able to contribute a small amount. All of the support that we receive is greatly appreciated and God’s math continues to multiply even the smallest of donations to accomplish great things. If you are able to give a large sum or a small sum, to give a Christmas gift or give systematically, we want to invite you to remain in or join our group of supporters. There is strength in numbers and BCA needs you to help grow the pool of support so that when one donor is not able to give due to an unforeseen circumstance, the rest of the group will be able to fill that need without it being a hardship on everyone involved.

We thank you for your continued prayers and support of Battle Creek Academy and wish you God’s blessings as we close 2020 and embark on 2021. We are one year closer to the second coming of Jesus when we can spend eternity together with Jesus… face to face.


Dan Grentz, DVM – BCA Board Chair
Tevita Tameifuna, MBA, EdD – BCA Principal
Denny Segar – BCA Development & Marketing Committee Chair

Give The Gift of Adventist Education

More than 80% of BCA students receive tuition assistance. Your contribution can have an incredible impact on their future. Please donate to the BCA worthy student fund and give the gift of Adventist Education. 

Our Contact Information
Battle Creek Academy
480 Parkway Dr.
Battle Creek, MI 49037

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